Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Urbanista!

Happy New Year Urbanistas!  We made it through another year, lets give all the glory to the one up above that graced us with the opportunity to see another year.  2010...can you believe it?  The year 2000 seems like a distant memory (aww, I was so young back then)!  With every new year brings new and exciting things to look forward to.  I tell you one thing, I am claiming 2010 as my year.  I am going to overcome my fears, start my business, and accomplish my goals that I have been putting off year after year.  For some reason, I made a crazy bet with my husband that I would be making enough money by the end of the year where I would be able to quit my job (if I wanted to)!  We'll ya'll get what I am saying, basically, I am doing it big for 2010, I'm claiming it and it shall be done!

Enjoy your year Urbanistas, make it memorable, tackle your dreams, believe in yourself, and most importantly believe that God can do exceeding above all that you can ever hope, think, or ask for!

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